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A few shocking truths about plastic
Did you know that most plastic is NOT recyclable? Plastic manufacturers somehow embedded into our minds myths about biodegradable plastics; but the truth is, only 9% of plastic waste is actually recyclable.
In addition, over 1.1 million seabirds and sea creatures die every year by mistaking plastic debris as their real food. Plus, instead of making new plastic, recycling can save 88% of energy. Imagine how many gallons of oil or petroleum we can save yearly if we simply choose to recycle trash all of the time.
Is plastic really that bad?
Yes, plastic is extremely bad! Plastic harms us both directly and indirectly because of the toxic chemicals they produce. These chemicals are dangerous to animals, humans, and our environment as well.
Annual plastic production vs. annual plastic recycling
300 million tons of plastics is produced every year at a global scale, and only 3 million tons of it actually gets recycled. This trash accumulates in landfills and in the ocean, becoming detrimental to our environment in the long-term.
Biggest contributor to plastic waste by nation
The four countries that contribute the most to mismanaged plastic waste are as follows: At the top of the list is China with 28%, followed by Indonesia with 10%, and a tie for third at 6% for both the Philippines and Vietnam.
What is being done?
Considering that plastic takes years to decompose, there is an urgent need to reduce single-use plastics. A large step in the right direction can be seen by the fact that over 60 nations all over the world have banned plastic straws in efforts to encourage less single-use plastic.
So, yes, I agree that there is no easy way to dispose of non-recyclable plastic waste. But this is why it is absolutely necessary to THINK TWICE before buying plastic in the first place.
We must save our mother earth.
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