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Turn Your Plastic Into Art

Turn Your Plastic Into Art

Are you creative? Do you enjoy making art? 

Well, did you know that you can recycle any plastic bottle into a useful and visually pleasing household item? 

In the environmental conservation world, the plastic bottle dilemma is notorious. Every minute, approximately one million plastic bottles are sold. They take a whopping 450 years to completely biodegrade. Shockingly, up to 80% of these bottles never get recycled; the vast majority end up in landfill sites. 

To help solve this catastrophic problem, use your artistic skills! Read on for a few creative ideas that you can take part in to lessen the global plastic crisis. 

  • Piggy Banks

  • Making piggy banks is a great activity to do with children – or for those who are young at heart. Here is a great step-by-step tutorial of just how you can transform your ordinary plastic bottle into a cute container for your cash. So just get out some paint, glitter, and glue and go for it! Plus, if you are working with a group of children, you can turn the activity into a friendly competition so the most creative piggy bank wins a prize. Not only that, but all children who complete the task can achieve a wonderful and free “Planet Protector” certificate from the Kids Vs Plastic initiative by National Geographic. On this page, children can find educational content, quizzes, and games about all things recycling. Be sure to check it out!

  • Bird Feeders
  • Recycled bird feeders are a great gift for wildlife enthusiasts or the elderly. To make these, simply grab an empty plastic bottle and cut out two small holes on both sides, as seen on the image above. Insert two wooden spoons through the plastic bottle (extra points if you can find something plastic to put through instead). Then, put in some bird feed and watch your garden turn into a bird oasis. Check out this video for more details! If your bird feeder is a gift for someone else, why not make the gift even more impressive by adding a bird ID guide and binoculars? The recipient is bound to love it! 

  • Garden Decoration 
  • Larger plastic bottles make excellent plant pots; plus, it can save you a few quid and a trip to the supermarket. Simply cut out a rectangular shape into one side of the bottle, and you are ready to grow your plants. Feel free to paint the bottle however you like as well. This is a wonderful activity for children and adults alike! 

    These small household remedies for plastic recycling are simple yet effective ways to help save the world. If you try any of these out, feel free to send us a picture of your creations! Along the way if you come up with any other ideas for fun and creative ways to recycle, let us know at


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